National Policy on Hospital admissions.

On 8th May, 2021 the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare released the ‘National Policy for admission in hospitals’. Some of the key highlights of this policy have been given below-

  1. The requirement of positive test for the COVID-19 virus is non-mandatory for admission to a health facility.

  2. No patient will be refused services on any count. This includes medications such as oxygen or essential drugs even if the patient belongs to a different city.

  3. No admission to patients shall be refused on the ground that such patient is not able to produce a valid identity card that does not belong to the city where the hospital is located.

  4. Admissions to hospitals must be based on need, and persons who do not require further care should be discharged as per the revised discharge policy.

Hospitals under the Central Government, State Governments and Union Territory administration including private hospitals (in States and Union Territories) managing Covid patients are required to comply with the policy.


Himachal issues order regarding denial of services for want of a COVID test


Bihar- contact details for oxygen and beds.