Delhi Govt. issues guidelines for segregation facilities for children in need of care

On 16th May, 2021 the Delhi Govt. issued a notification for segregation (isolation/quarantine) facilities during COVID with regard to the placement of children in need of care and protection in CCIs. The guidelines for segregation of children who have tested positive are given below-

“And whereas clause (v) of Sub Rule (1) of Rule 69(F) provides for the Child in CCI to be segregated in specially earmarked dormitory or ward or hospital in case he/ she is suspected to be suffering from contagious or infectious disease requiring special care and caution. During the time of Covid pandemic all CCls need to ensure that such provisions are being adhered and wherever there is constraint of space the same needs to be brought to the notice of concerned CWC so that alternatives spaces can be utilized during the time of this unprecedented pandemic where several safeguards have to be ensured to prevent the spread of the virus which is highly contagious.”

Further, in the event that an NGO or other institution wants to create such a facility then the guidelines to be followed have also been given below-

“It is brought to the notice of all concerned that Child Welfare Committee on receiving of application in Form 38 under Rule 27(2) of the JJ(CPC) Model Rules, 2016 can issue recognition of a Fit Facility in Form 39 for the purpose of placement of children as prescribed under Sub Rule 10 of Rule 27 of the said Rules. Further, the Child Welfare Committee having jurisdiction over the children in need of care & protection in appropriate cases may make the placement order for children to be provided care and protection in any of the registered Child Care Institutions including the above institutions and CCls mentioned in the previous order dated 04.05.2021 (as classified as Quarantine centre) following the procedures prescribed under the said said Act and Rules. The CWCs must however consider the capacity and purpose of the CCl while making order of placement of children as envisaged under section 30(vii) of the said Act.

The District Task Force created vide order dated 04.05.2021 should also make visit to institutions where Quarantine centres or isolation centres have been set up for housing children in need of care and protection and assess the adherence to required standards for running such facilities as per COVID-19 protocol and advisories issued by the Govt. from time to time. DTF should also coordinate with the CDMO and district authority in this regard and guide the concerned CCI appropriately with regard to the standards that need to be adhered and safeguards to be maintained. They may also scale up any issue for suitable action from the HQ of WCD or the central control unit set up at the Ha as and when required.”


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